Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cast & Crew Updates

So I realize what a great idea it was for me to put together the post listing out who I talk about and who they are to me... But I also realize that not everyone has been reading my blog since conception and wouldn't know exactly what's going on...


I am updating the "Cast and Crew" link you see below all posts. If I find a post that is a good indicator of this person's impact in my life I'll be adding it as a link behind the description.

J'Lynn, I hope you have alot of free time on your hands! Catching up on me might be time consuming!!!


  1. Blaez...thank you for putting this together. :) I think I'm all caught up...the best that I can be! It didn't take too long to read too! You are awesome! ;) And what a ride you have had girl... I'm glad that you are happy and settled now. Hugs to you my friend!

  2. hey, you're welcome!! i'm glad it didn't take too long :D


Thank you for commenting on my blog! I always enjoy the insight and views from my readers. Have a fantabulous day!!