Tuesday, September 14, 2010

one of us has a job!

And that one is Taranis. He started on Monday. After a month long hiring process (many phone interviews, 2 in person inverviews -one in Chicago the other here in HS). His hourly pay is more than up north however the monthly take home will be less because he won't be getting any OT down here. He's already been informed that this Friday is a furlough day...and about every Friday as well... Yea. But hey! It's a job and he's in a training program to be the backup for a high position and then will move INTO that position when the person retires in a few years. So it's all good.

I have had 1 phone call regarding my many applications and when I told her I couldn't be there at 3pm it'd be 3:30 pm because we had to sell our 2nd car to help pay for moving to AR from IL she said "I'm sorry to hear that, no we can't allow 3:30 pm..." 30 freakin minutes. Oh well, maybe it wasn't the right position or job or company or whatever for me.

Right now I'm enjoying being a SAHF (Stay At Home Fiance). I've been getting up with him at 6am, going for a 1 1/2 to 2 mile hike at 7:30 am and then coming home to do chores around the house and figure out dinner. Then I look for jobs while I attempt to decipher what happened on my old favorite Soaps and play Farmville on FB. Then about an hour before the man comes home I "jog" for 2 miles on the elliptical.

All in all I am very happy with our move from the north to the south. I love being in the south again. We went and visited my parents this past weekend. My daddy and MomI have thier own church now that they run, they were assistant pastoring at the neighborhood church but was called to this other church. I am very happy for them. I know daddy has been wanting his own church to Pastor for a long time now.

I hope to continue the positive outlook and my excersize routine... now if only I could quit stuffing my face and over eating because I'm starving by the time dinner rolls around...........

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on his job!! :) I'm so happy that you are loving it down there & congrats to your 'rents for getting their own church. :) As for that company...um, sounds like some place you may not have wanted to work and really, it is their loss for not giving you a chance! Enjoy your time at home while you continue to look and obviously you are making the most of it. Way to go with the workouts...now if I could just get my ass to the gym at least once a week! Ha! As for the over eating...try drinking some extra water before dinner or even having a healthy snack like veggies or fruit like 20 mins before dinner...maybe that would help. So happy for you girl! Way to go!!! :)


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