Saturday, May 22, 2010

what happened this week?

Found out Jade makes more than me. And the only thing I can figure is that its because she's OLDER not more EXPERIENCED... and it pisses me the fuck OFF. Soooooooooo, Taranis and I have discussed it and I'll continue working for now until after the wedding. Then we'll evaluate where we are and most likely (because we've looked at the guestimated future finances) I'll quit working so we can (I) can concentrate on having babys. I am sure I don't need to revisit all the cancer issues and having basically no cervix left and the tumors, etc... but for those who need a refresher go here make sure you take a tissue because I cried when reading that stuff again and normally I don't. I use to think I hardened myself to it.

Part of me is afraid to do this. That we'll never have a baby and I'll have to drag myself back to working world because I failed at becoming a mother. And here's the other thing: how long to do you give it? 1 year, 2 years? 5 years? Seriously, will the economy be better by then or will I be just a failed person trying to find a job after quitting for her to start a family...

I have my next appointment with the doc on June 22nd. First AM just how I like it. I love her! She's awesome and sassy!! I am so sure she's going to be 100% thrilled that I had the spine fusion and that I'm all healed.

but enough about me!

Savannah has been coping with Monte being gone fairly well doing all the work. She said she's always done it all he just did editing and polished it off... whatev. The great thing is that her man finally got a fucking job and so now she's not a terrible bitch anymore! Halelujah!

Life is great. Work is better. Taranis' work is insane (he's there right now!!) but hey he's making a living and by golly he brings home the bacon! I couldn't ask for anything better because he's just freakin great! I love him.

Which brings us to marriage: we've picked out our wedding invites and save the dates. We're ordering the save the dates next month and the invites after we move in September. We're leaving next weekend to go to my parents for more wedding stuff and a family bbq. Yup, another long ass drive to Arkansas! this time with the cats! Gods help me!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited about your plan! hehehehe I say you try for as long as it takes or until your doc tells you otherwise... And an inability to have a baby is not FAILING!!

    Here is hoping to a better week all around......

    Love ya girl!


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