Monday, November 30, 2009

what was that?!

I've heard of a "24 hour" bug but never a "14 hour" one...

14 hours ago (2 am) I woke up nauseous and dizzy. Trembling cold. Firey hot. But I had no fever. And yes, discusting things came from both ends. I know, I know...TMI.

Which brings me back to my initial question: What WAS that??!!

I'm still a little uneasy, a little queezy. I feel slightly better but not all the way. I am fairly certain that the worse part is behind me (no pun intended)...


  1. That sounds like food poisoning to me. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. I'm thinking food poisoning too....

  3. I'm with poisoning.

  4. Hmmm...I'm not sure what it could have been. Glad to hear you are feeling better though!


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