Sunday, August 30, 2009

i have been so happy!

and been in such a wonderful mood (despite the occasional bitchiness from some pain and hormone meds...but that's normal) and then yesterday, BOOM! leave it someone to make me cry...

And we all know what crying does, don't we?? Yep, muscle spasms...


but Joe helped me feel better...


  1. I'm so sorry someone upset you. :( Especially when it causes such physical pain too. :( Hugs to you... Kudos to your man for being there for you. Take care of you...

  2. I'm sorry someone upset you and made you sad. That's awful but I'm glad Joe was there to help!

  3. oh noes! do we need to send out an ass-kicking party? hope your good mood came back! :)

  4. Hope your good mood comes back.

  5. BOOO HISS on the crying/muscle spasm connection. I am a crier, and while a few tears don't bother me, when the waterworks really start, so do the occipital headaches and the sore, tight neck and, well, you get the idea. Kudos to your man for making you smile. And I'm sorry for your tears!

  6. Hey Ya'll!! Matter's been solved. Thank you all for being so very supportive!

    and thanks most to CandidBeauty for saying "Yes" and helping me go over the rainbow!


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