Wednesday, May 20, 2009

is sick

yeap, woke up yesterday morning with a tickle in my throat, sensation a huge plastic ball was around my head causing the world to be muffled and a wheezing in my chest...

woke up this morning with a stuffed up nose, mud in my lungs, the plastic ball around my head is starting to cave in and i think someone stuffed cotton in my ears and down my throat.

i blame it all on the airplane re-circulating air and those mofos that were hackin on the plane!!


  1. this set of metaphors makes me wonder if i've ever had this particular sickness. while i wasn't worried about swine flu, i am now deathly afraid of plastic ball mud lung disease.

    feel better!

  2. Love it TJ. PBML disease. Another way to contract this awful virus is to have prolonged exposure to HTML. I hope you feel better soon Blaez.

  3. It is totally the fault of the hackers!! Get well. Being sick in the spring time is no fun at all!

  4. thanks you guys! you helped bring a smile into sad world.


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