Friday, December 19, 2008

Where did you go, Time?

Almost 3 months ago we moved into the new place. I can't believe it's been 3 months almost. And I definatly can not believe that in January we'll have been in our own place for a year (altho it's been two different places).

We started out with literally nothing. We had an old futon mattress on the floor we slept on. We had no bed. We were living out of boxes. BOXES. Sigh. And now we have a full bedroom suite, a full living room set and the kitchen is almost complete. I say almost because I can never have enough kitchen stuff!

Wow, have I really almost had this tree up for about 25 days? Seriously, dude. I don't want to take it down! I feel like we've not had it up long enough, that we only put it up yesterday and christmas is still over a month away!

In 7 1/2 months we'll be celebrating our 2 year anniversary. Are you kidding me? It's nearly been two years since we first spoke? I feel like we just met yesterday --but I feel like I've known him my whole life!

Time is so fickle. It drags on and on while we're at work. We can't wait to punch out and go home. We can't wait for the weekend. But when the weekend shows up it passes by all to fast. It seems like you lay your head down Friday night and when you wake up its Monday morning already.

I remember time moving by much more slowly when I was a child. A year seemed like 10 years to me then. And now --a year has passed by and I feel like it's only been a month.

1 comment:

  1. I totally know what you mean. I blinked and my son is months older, we have been in our new house 3 years, and now... my baby's first Christmas is right around the corner :)


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