Thursday, October 30, 2008

we got rockband 2

we have 2 sets of drums, 2 mics and 2 guitars.

you know what this means? the extra drums and mic is useless but we can have a full band... bass, guitar, drums and singer!

so this is an open invite to those of you who read this and that live in the chicagoland area.

we want you to come and play rockband with us.

we. want. YOU! to play with US!


  1. I look forward to it - but I am scrambling to keep up with the rest of life just right now.

    I have my work crush through next week and heavy again at the end of Novemeber (and maybe all through November). The wife is in heavy work time too. Then the M-I-L is doing her chemo treatments, my mom has her back surgery on Nov 11 - the same day S-I-L has her cancer surgery.

    But I really llok forward to it.

  2. i'm sorry things are so rough for you right now. it seems to be like that everywhere.

    well i'm gonna go wait for trick or treaters that will never come because we got home too late--more that later, i got all weekend.


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