seriously!? how could they NOT want to rent to us?
so you remember the place we went to look at on Friday? The townhouse in Schaumburg with a garage, washer/dryer, central heat/air, 2 bed, mudroom, dining... Well, we had looked at the place on friday with the Father. He was suppose to call us back. I waited. I called him yesterday and he gave me his daughter's number. Spoke with her on the phone for a longtime lastnight and we went and met her at the property again today. She wanted $$$ to do a credit check on us and I refused unless I had a signed agreement that the place is mine. So we made a compromise: she's running the reports and we'll pay 1/2 when we sign the lease.
now I wonder if she'll even run it or let us move in. i mean FUCKING SERIOUSLY PEOPLE! We're not godamn con artists or scammers. We don't have any damn evictions. you know, i'm sorry that shit happened in our past so our credit scores and credit is not ideal but that's in the past, ya'll. 3-5 years in the past.
i want to make sure that when i give you 80 bucks that i'm making an investment worth my money and not throwing it away.
my point being IT'S IN THE DAMN PAST. we bring home over 3x what thier asking for rent a month. and i'm never late.
look beyond the credit score people and look at US! as a couple, as a family. as someone who is decent and clean and honest and caring and would treat your place well. as someone who in the past might have not been very smart in letting some shit go but damnit you see it's not current shit. i've over 5 years and he's 3 years old on that damn crap.
oh your starting to piss me off.
............ps, i let drake outside this morning......that was 6:45 am......got home today at 7pm and guess who was still on the balcony............oh gods i'm a horrible mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
........ps............ps..........i fucking hurt like a sonofwhore today.......
Srial lease breakers? No.
ReplyDeleteBut those 'no shirt' sort of pics do tend to sort of remind one of any old random episode of Cops.