Monday, August 25, 2008

what's that noise?


what the fuck is that shit? fire alarm? something on fire? no. the batteries are going...


what the fuck is this noise? what is that? someone's phone? its buzzing too long. ok fine i'm going to see what it is....

godamn elevator.......firefighters. someone's stuck in the elevator.......a few hours? long have i heard that noise? ........oh shit i'm an asshole.......

no wait, atleast we finally came out to see what it was. no one else in the complex did. thankfully the emergency alarm still rang the firefighters.

-on to other news-

got a denial claim in the mail from the insurance company... wrong employer. call them up today... yea. you know it. called HR, thier going to get it taken care of... they had my previous employer still listed as my employer and my old group #s. no wonder i'm getting denied. the Doc office of the pain specialist said it was because of pre-existing condition clause but now i'm thinking they heard wrong or did whatever the fuck it said instead that my claim was filed after coverage ended. which is what my denial said. eventually maybe it'll all get straightened out.

anyhoot, i'm sleepy and all dramatized out.


we had subway for dinner. all healthy. and then we went to wendy's and had icecream. mmmmmmmmmmmmm icecream! so much for a healthy dinner but oh so worth it!

1 comment:

  1. God I hate insurance companies and the whole back and forth on claims. It's just such a hassle.


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