Saturday, February 16, 2008

new ! new !! NEW !!!

so we got ourselves a 48" HD tv yesterday. It'll be delivered on tuesday. I'm so excited! we got ourselves a new bed today as well, that's already setup and installed. wasn't waiting around for that, no no no no!

so we got our couch, gots our tv/entertainment center and our bed. tomorrow we're getting a vaccuum cleaner.

today is my last day at the spa *ayay*! i'm soooo happy about that. it was gonna be sunday but i got someone to cover for me. how awesome is that shit?

ok well i have nothing else to say except how happy i am and how awesome things are and how great they've been...

for the 3rd week in the row i'm making keilbasa and potatoes. i think my taranis is just a little addicted? he said he can't get enough. that's awesome! and so far he's liking everything that i've made. however i don't have *everything* that i need/want for cooking and we're slowly but surely building up the pantry and the spice rack. but you know beds, couches and stuff like that come before others. i just can't believe we actually got all this and the bed only cost like $160 with tax today. can you believe that? no, i couldn't either. now all we gotta do is get the headboard/dressers and stuff. but still, $160 for a queen set is a really good deal! and its one of those nice and comphfy pillow tops, too!

ok i gotta go or i'll be late for my last day at the spa.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like things are rolling along swimmingly. I'm happy for you (you both, it appears - kilbasa, mmmmm).


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