Wednesday, October 24, 2007

wow, its nearly Samhain

aka Halloween... Which means its nearly the end of the year. its colder outside and Crystal actually turned on the heat tonight instead of sayin its hot and turning on the AC. rofl. I can't believe that the holidays are so close upon us. That time has flown by so fast. On one hand I feel like i've been up here for years but in fact I know that i've only been up here for a little over a year and it also feels like i just moved up here a month or so ago. Time is funny sometimes isn't it?

here in a few months, if things go the way i'm crossing my fingers they will, I should be moved out and being roomates with Taranis in an apartment. I know that Crystal doesn't want me to move out, But i really do feel that its time. Its time for me to move out and spread my wings and learn to fly on my own in chicago... well I guess I wont really be on my own since Taranis and i will be roomates, but on my own enough that I'm not living under someone els's house. It'll be mine, even though it's shared.

I have 2 more payments on the blazer left. *woohoo* that makes me happy happy happy! I didn't think i'd ever own my own vehicle again. *sigh* but I do! I do!

so anyways, i just wanted to chat a bit.

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