Thursday, October 25, 2007

Negative People Suck and Make Me Sad

I try to be a positive person. Granted not every entry I've made into this blog has been positive, some have been negative, mean, hurtful, angry and just down right pissed off. But down at the very heart of it you can tell that I'm trying to be positive about it and see the bright and shining sun behind the cloud. I'm not miss Susy Sunshine but I'm not a Morbid Mary either.

Ok, here's a piece of advice! If all you do is complain about something, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT BESIDE COMPLAIN! I know that I do. I complain about my living situation but I'm saving money and making an effort to get on my on. I complain about being single and childless but I have a really awesome guy that I'm in a relationship with, I guess you could say we're in a relationship. And eventually if I keep going to the DR and taking my medications I know that I will be a mother one day. And I accept the fact that I may never have my own biological child. I accept that fact that I may have to adopt or use another woman's eggs. But you know what?! I'm not letting it get me down. Sometimes it might sounds like it just I just wanna get it off my chest, but damnit, I'm not miss Negative Nancy. And people who are really grind my gears. (Hey TeeJ, your not the only one who can insert a line from Family Guy)

Ok, so my lunch is almost over. I needed to vent a minute.


Feeling: My income annually is under the Poverty Level... Damnit!

Listening to: Black Sabbath


  1. hey kiddo

    forgive an old geezer ( 45 years old and a grandfather twice over) for sticking his two cents in...

    I've been married for 25 years most of them not easy. so I think I've got the bona fides to speak on the subject...

    Hang in there girl

    From all I've read that you've written over the last year or so, you have what it takes to be a better parent than your's were - and who can ask for more?

    what's most important is that you ask the questions - not that you have the answers


    best concert of my life - 1979 -The Ramones - College fo DuPage - $5 cover and standing room only

  2. Hi John,

    Pleasure to meet you. And I don't think your an old geezer at 45 even with 2 grandkids. Hell, your just 18 years older tha me. I have a much different view point on age being 2 1/2 (for all practical purposes) from 30.

    I remember the Ramones. Pretty awesome group.

    So, how did you find my little space on the web if you don't mind me asking...


Thank you for commenting on my blog! I always enjoy the insight and views from my readers. Have a fantabulous day!!