Friday, September 14, 2007

pet peeve: rude people who interupt you when your talking

especially on the phone when your trying to explain something to them.

i woke up this morning to a phone call. collection agency for a bill back in may when i first got seen when i was sick. for the radiologist. i told them "i havn't gotten a bill from you, if i hadve then it would have been paid, send it again" and then i realized its a collection agency. i'm a pissed. i never recieved a bill from a radiologist.

so i call alexian bros hospital and i get the information from them for the radiologist and i then call them. this woman wont let me get a word in edgewise. she's interupting me and has the nerve and gal and audacity to call *ME* rude because i never recieved a fucking bill from them.

i call back to the hospital and i speak to this really nice gentlemen who helps me decipher that they (the radiologist) never submitted to insurance. so i call them back and unfortunatly got the same bitch who was rude again. she accussed me of giving them the wrong address at time of treatment so i could play the "i never got it in the mail" card and said that they would know because insurance will deny it if the addresses don't match. oh i am so hot by now its taking everything that i have *NOT* to reach through the phone and strangle that bitch.

i said "submit it to insurance and then send me the bill again" and she has the nerve to say something about probly wont recieve that one in the mail either, huh? i demaned her supervisor by this point and she said her supervisor wasn't in. i don't believe that shit. but i will be calling back and trying to get ahold of them.

so, onward and forward. i am sick i am so ill. i had Taranis take me to the doc yesterday i left the Firm early. i have an upper respiratory infection. i woke up this morning, my temp was 95.6, jan insisted on taking it. i was just going to call in and go back to sleep after i went pee. i'd been asleep ofcourse my temp was going to be low and i'd taken all these fever reducer meds. i don't think i had a fever but your not suppose to take temps like that right when you first wake up, atleast that's what i was always taught you don't do that. altho i did take people's sleeping temps at night when i worked at the hospital and you document it was "sleeping temp". anyways. my temp is 97.9 currently and i don't feel feverish anymore. however my chest is still really tight and i am still achy but i've only been on the meds for 12 hours now. when i went in to the doc yesterday my temp was 99.8 or something like that but i'd also been taking tylenol and stuff to keep the fever down. the highest its gotten was tuesday night and it was 101. not quite but close enough for me to have been alarmed then. i think that i'll be much better tomorrow to go in to the spa.

i plan on sleeping the rest of the day and the rest of the night. my throat still feels like there are shards of broken glass in it. and my speaking voice is very raw and raspy, doesn't sound like me at all.

alright well its back to bed with me.


Feeling: sick & pissed off

Listening to: planes flying overhead

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