Tuesday, August 14, 2007

why am i not at work today?

i woke up yesterday feeling ill to my tummy. thought it was the pills i've been taking for my back acting up(which btw is worse now). got to work and just steadily got worse. ended up puking my lunch up. taranis was also sick yesterday altho i believe he recovered a bit more quickly than i did. by the time i had gotten home i'd puked twice. 3 more times when i got home and then my tummy seemed to have settled down some. we ate dinner and i held onto it and being queesy for a while, laid down and went to bed. woke up sometime around 3/4am puking again. crystal came in at 6am to wake me for work i mumbled something and she said go back to sleep. i laid here for a few mins thought i was gonna puke again and when back to sleep. woke up a few hours later to Suga, that story to follow. and a not quite so queezy tummy.

i've ate lunch, so far so good. we'll see.


Feeling: ill

Listening to: toilet flushing

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