Monday, August 13, 2007

i did it all!

I did everything today that I said I was going to, minus the litter box. I'll do that tomorrow. I actually spent most of the day on the mud and got a few more area affects maxed out on my mage (along with almost getting killed because of said spells because an uber mob walked into the room with me, lol) as well as leveling up my warrior another notch in the ladder. woohoo.

I made dinner tonight. Nothing special just some jazzed up hamburger helper. i love cooking, i miss cooking. i'm gonna have to cook more often. Taranis and I both decided that we'd rather I cook more often than anything else. we get to go grocery shopping this week, probly thursday when i get back from the ball game. wednesday after my dentist appointment when he get home we're gonna go through my cookbooks and plan a few meals for me to prepare and buy the ingredients for them. we'll gradually work up to me cooking most days, but Fri & Sat he's on his own because of my working so late. So atleast 5 days aweek i'll be cooking so that's a good thing and on Sunday I'd like to have a "nice" dinner thing going.

OH! did i tell u guys that? i'm going to the Brewers/Cardinals game this thursday with TheFirm. all expense paid, how dabomb is that shit?! totally awesome. Taranis is gonna take me and Crystal to work and pick us up so we dont have to watch how much we drink and we can get bombed off our asses.

ok! its bed time. g'nite


Feeling: Goofy

Listening to: Seether "Broken" (w/o Amy Lee version)

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