Saturday, August 11, 2007

blah blah yadda yadda

as you can tell im not at band practice. this whole weekend was cancelled again. i'm gonna have to make myself start singing and rehearsing in my spare time tho. i think i can get a nice acoustic from my friend's store for about $125 according to his bro. give or take a few. i should beable to afford that. then we have lessons i have to schedule, learning books to buy. but i want to do this. i want to learn to play (again) and i say again sparingly because really i was only learning for about 4 months and i dont think any of it stuck.

but, the expenses of buying a new guitar, getting the learning books, signing up for lessons, etc is all worth it, will be worth it in the end. when i can contribute more and piece music together for my lyrics better.

been catching up with a few "old friends". one of wich we ended on bad terms, the other we both just kinda got busy with our lives and lost touch. it was nice, i hope to not piss the one off or lose touch with the other again.

work was pretty dull tonight. im sure that means it'll be hell tomorrow. i havn't gotten much sleep the past few nights, i've not wanted to sleep. i think i did something altho i'm not sure what the something is that i did to my back again. i gotta start remembering to take that fucking ibuprophen like i'm suppose to. i know why its hurting. because i havn't been taking the ibuprophen so now its all starting to get inflamed and irritated where those 2 herniated disks are. if I'm not careful i'll end up with my ass in traction again for 4 months doped up on vicoden, oxycontins and muscle relaxers again. ---not such a bad deal except for the not working and no income aspect of it. the drugs are good tho! i loved being on oxycontin until i came off it and the withdrawls were killer.

i have a few vicoden from my surgery a few months back and darvocet from where they ripped out that damn wisdom tooth last month. i need to figure a way to remember to take the ibuprophen again tho. 4 pills 3times a day. can't be that damn hard to remember. Waking - mid day - bed time. i can do this. if me and suga were living together again she say "jenny? did u take your drugs this morning?" and shed hound me about it. gotta love that about her. man i miss her so much. we use to have helluva good time raising hell together.

ok i'm going to bed. im' gonna dope myself up and sleep til i have to shower and leave for work.


Feeling: hurtin

Listening to: crickets chirping

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