Saturday, February 03, 2007

son of a bitch!

I am so fucking pissed off right now. 2nd week. 2nd fucking week in a row. Remember last week? My tire was flat. well, i know for a damn fact it is no fucking coincidence or some accident or anything like that. Someone, has purposely been sabataging my vehicle.

No, this is the full sized spare. I was going to go and get my flat tire fixed in the morning, but now my damn car is at a fucking gas station because someone out there hates me enough and is cowardly enough to fucking FLATTEN and RUIN my tires instead of being a damn Man (or woman) and confronting me and letting me kick thier ever fucking ass.

Yellow bellied pieces of shit!

I hate to say it, but i am NEveR going to crossroads again. Don't want me there? Fine, FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! you cowardly piece of shit.


  1. oh yea, i'm still pissed off. Crystal's husband wont help me. She's mad at me. Like its all my fault. And its not. Its not my fault. Shit happens. Waiting for her to get back from her dad's so we can go take one of the tires to the tire place. They said they would follow and put it on and take the other and fix it too.

    *sigh* too much bullshit for what WAS a happy day.


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