Friday, February 02, 2007

Bound & Determined

That 2007 will be a GREAT year!

1st of all, Brett comming back for another season with the Packers is just icing on the cake. And I plan on attending a game or two when football season starts back up. Here's to getting tickets to watch my fave team of all time play! It might cost me an arm & a leg, but I'm going!

I have made some pretty awesome friendships. I wouldn't say they are close friends and I miss my people in Arkansas terribly, but they are my friends and I should be really really happy about that, and I am!

I have my car, so that entails I have a bit of 'freedom'. And I'm so all for freedom! Comming and going as I want on my time and schedule. Next, full blown freedom and getting my own place. And that will come in a year. After that car is paid off. Sooner, if one of me and those friends mentioned above gets a place together as roomates.

I have a new found pride and respect for myself. Being proved that I can take a beating and bounce back is really amazing. Knowing that you have that in yourself. Sadly, it took a year and 1/2 to figure shit out, that I'm strong enough.

A new attitude: "Fuck you if you don't like me or what I do" I don't really give a shit anymore. I am who I am and I will not change for anyone. No more of me being who everyone else wants me to be. I'm not going to say "I'm Sorry" but I will say "I love yall for who you are, accept me for who I am"

No more whining and bitching about how much I miss Arkansas. Ok, I'm so homesick. I need to get over it. It's not healthy. It's done, its over. Good-bye, Farewell.

And lastly, I'm going for it. All the way, no holds barred. I'm not going to hide it around others anymore that are also in the music scene. I'm tired of people accusing me of using friendships as a way to get 'noticed'. Fuck you if you don't like the fact that I'm a singer, too. I don't want YOUR band, I WANT MY OWN BAND! With that said, I will have something come of this eventually. I wont be putting a time frame on it, that only leads to dissapointment.

Ah yes, and its time to get motivated. Its time to get out there and start walking again. Its time to start getting back into shape. I hate myself when I look in the mirror. Altho there are few people who would disagree with what I'm saying, but your not looking through my eyes and in MY eyes I'm dissapointed in myself that after all that I lost and worked for last year I let go to ugliness since I've moved up here. I've done it before, I'll do it again. And I wont be backsliding anymore.


  1. I read bound... but then you went in a whole other direction.

    I feel let down.

  2. awe, sorry babes. that's next week's show.

  3. Ok well I'll save the popcorn till then.

  4. sounds like a good idea. make sure you bring reese's peanutbutter cups too! or reese's pieces.


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