Saturday, January 06, 2007

First day back didn't go so well

I was suppose to have gotten my review in November. Here it is January. Ok... I understand that I only work on weekends and my manager is never there when I am there. I had a bad feeling that I was going to go in today and be canned. After all, I havn't worked in 2 weeks for them, so why not fire me right?

Well, if things don't 'change' I will be terminated. Apperantly (and this is the first I've heard of it) I'm rude and obnoxious to guests & members. What?! When? I refused to sign the papers. Each scenerio they offered I had no recollection of and its not 'selective amnesia'. I swear that those 'incidents' never happened. I would remember someone wanting to bring in a cooler and me telling them no and then me calling a manager because of it. I have yet to call a manager on someone other than those punks that had a stolen room key and was trying to use the facilities.

So, I need to 'keep my attitude in check' or I'll be terminated. Just freakin wonderful. I've never had an issue with my attitude towards anyone inside of the work place. C'mon! This is shit I've been trained to do. Yea, I get a little short and nasty with Telemarketers at TheFirm. My boss laughs about it. Says 'she is an awesome gatekeeper'.

It seems that my toying with the idea to get another job to replace TheSpa is a good idea. I don't know what the fuck is going on. I sense sabotage. But I can't come right out and say 'I think someone set me up'. That's just paranoid delusional shit that is bound to get me fired definatly.

Looks like I'm on the job hunt again. Don't know where I'll go for the hours that I work at the Firm to be non conflictive. I'm sure I'll figure something out. Definatly makes it alot easier now that I have my own ride, tho.


Feeling: aggravated

Listening to: The review in my head over and over again..... my head hurts :(


  1. My friend works at a bar that are looking for Girl bartenders if your interested let me know. It is in Elgin and it is at night. It is called Mission. Sorry about your Job.

  2. That's about 30 mins from me. Not bad considering I drive almost an hour to TheFirm in Lincolnshire. I'm interested, but I have never bartended before and I'm sure they are wanting someone experienced.

    But hell, as long as they don't mind training me and I could *possibly* have a thursday off atleast everyother week, I'm good to try it out.


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