Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hi Everybody!!!

WoW! It's saturday night! Can you imagine that?? It's totally insane, huh?

Tuesday I went to work all by my lonesome! I got there in one piece and got back in one piece as well! And if you can believe it, I didn't get lost! My first drive to work alone on the new route since we moved here in October. I literally have only drove the route 2 other times and those were with Joe beside me navigating... I amaze even myself. While I was at work my lovely man made pumpkin pies... boy are they --were they-- delicious!

On Wednesday we baked peacan pie! WE made a peacan pie from scratcherino! Nice huh? and Sugar Cookies! that tasted a little on the floury side --i think it's cuz of the flour we saturated the kitchen table with to roll em out...

(yes, we have pictures --i'll put some up tomorrow)

Turkeyday Thursday we cooked a turkey by ourselves for our first times... I was so nervous it'd burn or be frozen on the inside but oh mi gee, we have 1st time baking a turkey luck! it was so moist and juicy and tender!!! to go with the Turkey *I* made dressing, candied yams and greenbean casserole --our favorites since it's just the 2 of us. Drake had more than his fair share of Turkey... you should see that boy put it away!!!

Friday... this is funny... friday I made scrambled turkey & eggs! YES, turkey & eggs. It was --different, but good. Melt some cheese on top and it was delicious! and then we decorated the tree (after having putting it together physically like at 3am friday morning!! lol)

And today, I can't believe it's saturday. it's saturday! and I don't have to be at work again until TUESDAY!!!

a week's vacation gone in the blink of an eye. but it seems like i've been off work for a month!!!

i sat down on the toilet the other day and said "man, I gotta clean my bathroom" and sure enough, I bleached and lysol'd and scrubbing bubbled and you name it to that bathroom today. had to turn on the exhaust vent to try and ventilate the chemicals out.

and I talked to our door slamming neighbors today. i caught em as they were leaving. i couldn't stand it anymore. they are slamming a door downstairs to thier garage (and when they open the sidedoor to the sidewalk) and when they open and close it. they appologized and so far i havn't heard it since then. but i am not sure if they are even home. oh well, i was nice about. I told em "hi, I'm your neighbor downstairs name's Jenny. I hate to bother you but when you close your doors downstairs it rattles the walls and somes the pictures shake and it wakes us up. I know you don't realize it's happening but i've been hearing it for 2 months now and thought i'd let you know, neighbor to neighbor". they thanked me and said they'd contact the association about thier door --she claims they don't slam it. but seriously... i don't know. but i was very amicable about it and didn't yell or scream.

ok, well, we got our tree up and trimmed. we have our stockings hung. we've ate all the sugar cookies and 95% (Exluding the turkey) is ate up. We still have a ton of pie (pecan and pumpkin) and well... i'd be on sneezy right now if folks wouldn't irritate me while I was on there... I mean if someone is the Tank (the meat shield) and your job is to HIT.. DON'T FUCKING START THE FIGHT --THAT'S THE TANK'S JOB.

Hope you all had a Happy TurkeyDay! I hope you don't starve yourself too much to lose the gained poundage.

and we've created a monster... Nilla has a bell in her cage. Now, when she wakes up for the night she rings it insistantly and constantly until we let her out.......which I should probably do now...and the really insane thing is i'll open her cage dooor, put her ball up to it and she jumps right in for her nightly run around the house.

ps-- all I want for christmas is Morning Sickness....

1 comment:

  1. Wow that sounds like a full weekend! The pie from scratch sounds amazing. I definitely need to hit the gym this week to work off some of this food.


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