Woke up this morning and went to work! Yes, work on a sunday: they call it a "precon" which is basically 1 representative from each "department" gathers together with the head contacts of the group staying at the resort (we're a conference oriented resort but have family
And now to the juicy:
Joe said he had a
First off we stopped by Cabella's and totally made me homesick for Arkansas! Seeing all that camping gear and...just everything outdoorsy that you'd need in the mountains and forests. And the boats!
And finally, we come to the surprise! But, although we wanted Sonic- just not as badly as to wait in those ridiculously long lines! I hope that this means they'll get the point of it and put in MORE Sonics! Preferably in the immediate vacinity of where we live and work!
So we instead walked around this brandnew Walmart! Pretty :) and clean! And found this really awesome Dr. Pepper football shaped bottle. It's sitting on top of our TV. I was so desperate for football season to start.....but now.....I'm torn and don't know what to do... I'm thinking of trying out a new team? Maybe this means I was a Favre Fan and not a Packers fan.....But damnit, I don't even have the urge to WATCH him with the JETS! *cries*
ok! fun stuff!
So we headed back home and made a few stops along the way: We ended up at a Halloween store! oooooooooooooooooh, I wish I had a HOUSE so I could make the front yard all creepy scary! There was this AWESOME Jason statue/robot thing. Really LIFE like! And everything else was AMAZING as well. I need children so I can get this out of my system through them! You should have seen the baby costumes...ok...im SO teary-eyed again....
Then we took a trip by PetCo and bought Nilla s'more tubes for her house. It's a REALLY aweome design! Joe is so cool with putting it together. We need to get her another habitat and more tubes to connect between the two. We're REALLY thinking of getting another Hamster. Just have to make sure its a GIRL and not a BOY or else we'll be Hamster grandparents! Which, I'd be VERY ok with that, AND! the PetCo said they'd take the babies after thier weined and sell em. ....I wonder if we could make money off of Hamster Breeding... Now THAT's and IDEA!
And then we're off again to feed the tummies! ......OHMIGODS! TGIFRIDAYS! Jack Daniels BURGER.......oh and it took ALOT of willpower to NOT divulge in the partaking of JACKDANIELSIPPERS! ........drooling....... jalepeno macaroni & cheese.....you shoulda SEEN how red joe's face got! It was priceless.
And then we're back on the road again after stopping off at gamestop and buying my man a new game. Nothing makes me happier than watching him play his racing video games and knowing that I am a cool enough girlfriend to sit there and enjoy it with him... Yeap, I'd like to think he's got a pretty good catch!
And, there is nothing better than an impromtu game of MINIGOLF!
now we come to: Oberweis Dairy......not as good as ColdStone but it was very fun playing Chess together. I've not played chess since oh.....highschool! And I didn't do any good then either! I remembered that the Horsey can only go in a "L" shape! Everything else went out of my head...pffft! I can say this tho: Joe
ok! time for sleeeeepies but I have to share one more thing: my *new fave must have song* I hope that if Joe ever hears this song on the radio, it'll remind him of me and he'll fall more deeply in love and....you know, i'm being mushy. But its a great song. and minus the Gemini Capricorn --I'm a Gemini Leo if you go by Sun/Moon or a Gemini Taurus if you go by Sun/Rising -- it's sounds just like me...(clicking on the title of the song should take you to the youtube video)
Pat Monahan "Her Eyes"
She's not afraid; she just likes to use her night light
When she gets paid, true religion gets it all
If they fit right.
She's a little bit manic, completely organic
Doesn't panic for the most part.
She's old enough to know, and young enough not to say no
To any chance that she gets for home plate tickets to see the Mets.
Like everybody, she's in over her head,
Dreads Feds, Grateful Dead, and doesn't take meds.
She's a Gemini Capricorn
Thinks all men are addicted to porn.
I don't agree with her half the time,
But, damn I'm glad she's mine.
Her eyes, that's where hope lies.
That's where blue skies
Meet the sunrise.
Her eyes, that's where I go
When I go home.
She got the kinda strength that every man wishes he had.
She loved Michael Jackson up until he made Bad.
Tells me that she lives about a hundred lives,
Scares me to death when she thinks and drives,
Says cowboy hats make her look fat,
and I'm so glad she's mine.
Her eyes, that's where hope lies.
That's where blue skies
Meet the sunrise.
Her eyes, that's where I go
When I go home.
She doesn't know the word 'impossible'
Don't care where I've been and doesn't care where we're goin' to.
She takes me as I am, and that ain't easy.
She's beautiful. So beautiful.
And sometimes I think she's truly crazy.
And I love it.
Her eyes, that's where hope lies.
That's where blue skies
Always meet the sunrise.
Her eyes, that's where I go
When I go home.
Her eyes, that's where hope lies.
That's where blue skies
Always meet the sunrise.
Her eyes, that's where I go
When I go home.
She's not afraid
she just likes to use her night light.
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