Saturday, September 13, 2008

91 days...

It has officially been 3 months since I've smoked my last cigarette.

On June 13, 2008 we had my "birthday gathering". I had made the vow to quit smoking. I was going into my dr appointment that monday and I was going to tell her "i want babies" and decided to quit.

So here I am, offically 3 months into a healthier lunged life. I've gained weight, I've become slightly bitcher and I no longer have the excuse of "stepping out for a smoke" to get me out of crowded rooms.

But hey, I quit smoking. And I've been smoking since I was 13. That's 15 years?!



  1. CONGRATS!!! That's a huge accomplishment!

  2. Congrats - keep winning the battles one day at a time.

    Your streak will be in triple digits soon.


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