**Before You Go Any Further: We are looking for a new place to live (details below) We would like a 1 or 2 bedroom closer to work (Addison/Itasca/Wood Dale area) under $1,000 a month...Preferably $800 or under ---MUST LOVE PETS and allow us our babies--- a balcony would be awesome because of the grill and Drake likes to go and hang outside. We understand that some places have application fees but if you know of a friend who could help us out and Waive all that bullshit, that would be awesome! We would LOVE to find another landlord like we have now. He's the bombdiggity and we're sorry things are going roughly for him! ......ok end of the begging....on with the show!**
So lets start with Thursday shall we? Because I don't remember Wednesday being worth anything to write about.
So Thursday was a crazy hazy day. It was a Thursday. ...Point is, I made a tasteless joke. *I* didn't think it was tasteless at the time but while being reamed by Homer while trying to leave work, I realize it was very tasteless. So all day Friday she's being all nittypicky on me and, well it was a bad day to begin with. I was miserable all day.
Another reason is because the specialist's office called me and cancelled my appointment because they said that my insurance won't cover because it's pre-existing by the crazy thing is the insurance covered and accepted the physical therapy??? Something's fucked up. They asked for my SS# and I bet what it really is they ran my credit report and probly didn't like what they saw......
which leads us to: our landlord stopped by today to show a realtor our condo. he's trying to sell it to another investor, slashed our rent by 130 bucks and said if we wanted to move when we found a new place (today or next month or 2 months from now) he'd give us all our money back from the deposits and wish us luck, he'd break our lease for us and let us out of it so we could find another place to live.
So I'm looking for a place to live. I'm back to hearing people say "oh you have to pay us $xxx for a credit check and you have to hand us over 1/2 the deposits before we'll show you the place, etc. I wonder if we'll get lucky enough to find another guy like we're renting from now... BUT then again, he's filing for bankruptcy himself ....well, not yet he's trying to sell off all his properties so he doens't have to do that. And he's wanting to find another investor or someone to buy who wont force us to leave before our lease is up the end of January.
I just got comfortable. We just got things how we like them. We were to the point that things were ok and we had spare money and tucking it away. We were at the point we were safe and secure and doing not necessarily great but better than either of us have been in a long time.
I hate how the past can keep you from accomplishing shit that needs to be done now. And I know that 1 guy is looking for eviction/foreclosure shit or whatever he said on the credit checks but seriously, you KNOW they look at how far in debt you are and don't want to see that it's just the past and not the present person who's standing infront of them now.
And you know what *really* just makes the whole thing just completely laughable? I spent 30 bucks on a new box of checks with the current address. I have about 1 more book til we start using the new checks. And I'm still going to be crossing off the old address and writing in the new one once we move outa here. How fun is that? it's not in all honesty.
Sigh, I guess realistically.....what? what exactly? exactly, nothing. the fuck are we gonna do? I know it's not like he's kicking us out but godamnit this sucks hairy balls dipped in rat poison.
“...So do we pass the ghosts that haunt us later in our lives; they sit undramatically by the roadside like poor beggars, and we see them only from the corners of our eyes, if we see them at all. The idea that they have been waiting there for us rarely if ever crosses our minds. Yet they do wait, and when we have passed, they gather up their bundles of memory and fall in behind, treading in our footsteps and catching up, little by little.”--Stephen King
4-30-11 = Best Day of My Life
Oh no, I'm sorry you guys are so stressed about your living situation. I hate that feeling. Good luck in finding a new place, it's out there!