Friday, April 18, 2008

i've been thinking about what i saw last night

and it brings me this question(s):

how can our government OUR PRESIDENT to be specific, think we're all SO much better and need to invade foreign countries, start wars and mess with foreign affairs and "feed thier homeless" and make thier lives so much better when WE have issues in our backyards. families that are homeless on the streets. babys that have no food to eat. women who felt like they had no one else to turn to so they raise thier children in slums and have sex with men for money to feed thier kids.

what about americans? what about our country? quit looking across the ocean for troubles to fix. quit sending our money to them and giving THEM something! give back to our own. help our own homeless and hungry children.

I think i need to help do something about do I go about it. Maybe I should run for president... (when I get old enough) but what do I do, in the mean time?

1 comment:

  1. Presidents sit atop the government pyramid. The government doesn't make this better - at best it can restrain some from private actors from doing harm, and provide common elements that can not practicably be done privately (roads, defense, police) - at worst, it screws things up far worse than privates actors could.

    If you want to make things better, don't go into government.


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