i think the cop(s) were just being nice...
on another note: here in a few months I was going to go in and trade the blazer in on a more efficent vehicle, one that i can aboslutely trust from point a to point b and not flip out if i had to go to like w, x, y or z... got some bad news yesterday regarding Taranis' vehicle... we wont have it for much longer. NO, I don't want to go into details, but suffice it to say, the one vehicle that does work properly we wont have anymore. so we sat down yesterday and discussed it, we'll keep the blazer, Taranis will use it and then we'll go down and put some money down on a vehicle for me. One that is not a gas guzzler and has less issues and if something were to happen to the blazer while one of us was driving, it'd be the more saavy one of us. So while we have his truck we're going to Arkansas and getting my stuff. And then when we get back say bye bye Hyundai and hello to maybe a Ford? Who knows. I wouldn't mind having another Elantra...
While we're in the Natural State my guy is going to look at the blazer and see what needs to be done to it to make/keep it safe for transport to & from work for Taranis. He's suppose to make a list of most important to least important and then we go from there. We only need it to last til like February/March of next year. Then we will have the money for another car payment because the furniture would be paid off by then.
I've been passively saving money back and tucking it away into the savings account. I know it's not been fast enough or "enough" but after my doc's appointment and we get everything outa storage in Arkansas I was gonna really put the grind to it and hope to be putting back atleast 100 a month into savings. If we can find a cheap enough vehicle with cheap enough payments, I should still beable to do this. I can be "good" with money when I want to be, but sometimes I/we do go overboard on stuff. We figured out we blow about 400 amonth on going out to eat, etc and things we don't "need"... That's gonna have to stop, unfortunatly. But I will say this, our bills are always paid and they are paid early and I'm not behind on anything except the medical bills and they get thier XXX amount monthly like agreed, so really I'm not behind on them too, it's just alot til thier paid off.
The next step is to find a cheaper place to live. The guy we're renting from wants us to buy this place from him and it'd raise our monthly payments and I'm not willing or wanting to do that, and neither is Taranis. We took this place out of desperation to get out of you-know-who's house and because of it we took on nearly 1k amonth in rent. I'd like to knock 2 or 300 off that. We should beable to do that and with his reference I think it'd be workable. I am not looking forward to moving all this stuff, I'm going to hire movers. Fuck moving all this crap!
OK! I promised you guys stories about when I've been pulled over....
1st time I was ever pulled over was because H's cousin R called me up and he was drunk at a bar. I was payin on a car from Raquel's mom and I hadn't gotten it titled or insured yet. The deal was, I don't drive it at all until I could get it titled and insured, I just turned 18. Anyways, Daddy was out of town. I was home alone. H was in Fayetteville living with CuzR's sister. CuzR calls me up, he's drunk can't drive wants me to pick him up and take him home. I figured ok, it's all backroads no problem and no one will know... I pick him up, take him home to his mom and she kicks him out of the house. SO I drive him to his Dad's house. We pull off the side road onto the main drag and I have my brights on. Forgot to turn them off, bright-lighted a cop and he pulls me over. He checks for my insurance, registration, driver's liscence, I have none of the above. He asks why I'm driving and when he sees CuzR and I explain to him it was this or he drives drunk the cop nodded and gave me 3 tickets. I had to be in court to appear before the judge at sometime later in the month and I never showed up...but the cop let me go and I dropped him off and then I went home and never told a soul. I ended up getting a warrant out for my arrest a year later for failure to appear and spent aweek in Jail for that little charade. After the cop let us go CuzR was so mad we'd gotten pulled over he proceeded to punch the windshield and broke it...I told Daddy and Raquel's mom that I didn't know what happened to it. SO they figured TeenVandals or something and I had to pay to replace it and she took the car back from me because daddy found out from one of his cop buddies what really happened that night with the car when they filed the police report.
2nd time I got pulled over: H & I was living in our townhouse in C'ville, this was in 2000. Jugalo and I had went to Tulsa, OK to visit some friends of ours. The car was insured and I'd not gotten it registered but I had gotten it insured. I had my bill of sale and I had 2 days to get it registered. He let me go with a warning to get it registered as soon as I get back home in C'ville.
3rd time: we're back in Tulsa. I went the wrong way down a 1 way street and got pulled over by the cop there. Another warning.
4th time: Driving back from Raquel's wedding after dropping Pebbles off at her house, middle of the night. Cop is behind me. He runs my plates, I have the current sticker on it plate but the DMV folks say it's false information. You should remember me sayin about it last year? The first cop was a bit of an asshole about it, thinking I'd stolen it or something then one of my friends (who is a cop) is called for backup and he laughs and I laugh and I go home.
5th time, you know about the other night, running the redlight on a right hand turn.... so I guess I'm doing pretty good only been pulled over MYSELF 5 times in...10 years? not bad. I've been in the car with others that had gotten pulled over before...
A few weeks after I'd gotten out of Jail in Russellville for the 1st time we was pulled over, I'm alseep in the back of H's car. CuzR and some others decide it'd be fun cuz they have no gas to jack some. Next thing I know we're pulled over on the Russellville/Dardanelle line (there is a huge bridge there and they had set up road blocks) and I'm arrested again! I spent about 3 hours in a holding cell and then I was let go. H and CuzR was held for theft #1, it's H's car. #2 Cuz R was driving. Me and 1 other was sent out walking. I ended up calling daddy to come and get me. That was not fun explaining to him that CuzR jacked gas using H's car (which was impounded for a long time) and to have him come and get me.... No wonder Daddy never approved of H! *laugh*
So anyways, I don't plan on getting pulled over again. I know that sometimes I do drive too fast and I'm trying really hard to not speed cuz I know that's one ticket I can't get out of.
“...So do we pass the ghosts that haunt us later in our lives; they sit undramatically by the roadside like poor beggars, and we see them only from the corners of our eyes, if we see them at all. The idea that they have been waiting there for us rarely if ever crosses our minds. Yet they do wait, and when we have passed, they gather up their bundles of memory and fall in behind, treading in our footsteps and catching up, little by little.”--Stephen King

4-30-11 = Best Day of My Life
"i think the cop(s) were just being nice..."
ReplyDeleteWere you wearing the red thing and sporting that 'come hither' look? These guys (and gals) are cops (not the Governor of New York). They don't require supermodels to slip into total perv mode (getting them out of total perv mode, even for a moment, seems to be a bigger challenge).
I used to get a ticket every 1 to 2 years. It has been a little while now (I'm mellowing in my old age, and thus driving slower - and less on the interstates where I generally got into the speeding trouble).
I managed to talk my way out of a ticket in mid DuPage a couple years ago. It was a female cop. Who knew there were any straight female cops?
hey hey! careful now, your gonna get me in trouble with Joe...i mean i know i posted the headshot but you make it sound like i'm sending out porn of myself...
ReplyDeletebut it's all good! *hugs* he knows better....or well he should know better :-)
Say wha!
ReplyDeletelaugh laugh laugh
ReplyDeleteIn the interests of your domestic tranquilty ... yes, I was referring to the shot recently posted on this very site.
ReplyDeleteIf there is somewhere to sign up for porn shot distribution, I certainly missed it!
The point though, of course, was that cops aren't exactly the most picky audience.