Tuesday, March 25, 2008

the wind is unenjoyable...

so i'm all chipper this morning when i wake up at 8am, hop in the shower do a little bit here and there and set out for my walk. and it's a straight and steady blast of wind constant nonstop just making the whole thing unpleasant. so i aborted the 2nd block and came home. 1 round today.

i really hate chicago. i really hate this wind. i really hate this fucking weather. i really really really wanna be home in arkansas with my friends and family that i miss so much.

i'm to the point right now that i don't care if i was working nights at walmart again, i just wanna go home. but i want Taranis to go with me, and he doesn't want to move from here. he's got a wonderful job with normal hours. i got a fucked up job working fucked up hours and no friends.

i'm just miserable crying a pissy party for myself...mad at myself. so terribly pissed off at myself right now.

ignore me.


  1. No friends...I'm wounded here.

    And Chicago weather is how we weed out the weaklngs (and homeless) - they wander on off to California where they can live on the beach without and panhandle enough to get by on.

    Everyone gets a little miserable this time of year (if you survive February), ready for Sping and into Summer but still living in this crap.

  2. nonono! i didn't mean the no friends like that...

    i miss the ones who use to come over and hangout all the time. i use to be the central hub of my friends, my pad was always the one to hang out at. since i've went away they've all gone off in thier own directions and don't speak to eachother and got thier own little circle of friends.

    everything that i once knew is gone. as Roland would say in the Dark Tower Series by Stephen King; "my world has moved on" and I'm learning to live in the new one.

    Today is gorgeous. I'm gonna go for a walk here in a few minutes. I have to go to the spa for a few hours tonight.

  3. Life is change.

    I think a lot of people operate, at least on some level, on the notion that once they get past the mid-20s they will settle down and essentially cruise the charted couse to the point of their doddering senility. Alas, that is entirely mistaken.


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