Monday, February 04, 2008

our new couch!

its a crappy picture(s) because they were taken with my cellphone, but you get the gist of it. i love this couch!

this weekend after we get stuff taken down to the storage building and i get cleaned up a little more around here, i'll show off pics of the apartment as well. but for now, here is the living room/couch...well part of the living room.


  1. Looks comfy - but then again, after working 18 hours (4 AM to 10 PM) without a break yesterday and having to be in the office at 8 today, anything that one might lay upon would look comfy.

    I'm happy that you're happy. krm

  2. I may have figured out this blogger sign in thing.

  3. Apparently so - I still don't know where the old "C" thing came from, and now I don't need to initial, eh? Hope you're happy-busy as the reason for the slow posting pace. Ah, young love's bliss!

  4. grin, as long as i remember who titan saturnae is, giggle.

    yea i'm gonna update here in a few mins.

  5. Who does the bulk of your commenting?

  6. you know, that's true! your the only one who reads this thing i met.

  7. Well, others may just not be commenting (and I understand Murray's circumstances limit his surfing time).

  8. yea, i still think he's probly still a little mad at me as well... to be honest i havn't visited his blog in a very very long time. if they don't have RSS available and working I can't keep up with it. in my yahoo mail i have a side window that shows me when new stuff is posted and it helps me stay reminded to check people's blogs.

  9. Murray hasn't been able to keep much of a volume going there either (there was a stretch with nothing, although he's be moderately more active lately)


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