i quit my job today with that new company. long story short it was not working out. everything was fine, i was learning my job and the owner, it just wasn't clicking. i don't know how to explain it without going into full details but i'll say this: the guy is freaking nuts. i spent an entire day doing something he asked me to do, did it exactly the way he wanted it done and today he comes to me and says that i didn't do it right, i ignored his direction and wanted me to redo it completely in a different way. an entire day again taken up by something that is uncessary and i would have gotten behind again. on top of his little meetings he has with us with us getting in trouble for things that the people before us did or taught us to do a certain way. there is no structure, there is no median. the damn place is fucked and quite frankly i'm happy to not have to go back there. i just hope that i can find a better place to work at. a place that will be respectful and not have someone who is crazy like that running the show. who in thier right mind cuts a check in december and here it is february and it's still not paid?! who in thier right mind has the policy of not disbursing thier payables until over 45 days (no matter what) unless its a payable for less than 100 bucks then it doesn't get paid til over 80-90 days?! it's crazy. and then YOUR the one who gets in trouble because equipment can't be made or shipped because the supplier wont release parts and none of the shipping companies want to do business with you because you don't pay your bills on time. in all my working career i have never ever ever heard of anything so ridiculous.
and that is my complaining for the day. i'm off to look for another job. cross your fingers i'm not unemployed for long. man i really wish i hadn't quit the spa now, but if i have to i know i can go back. that's what my supervisor there said. lets hope that push comes to shove she keeps her word and they have something for me.
“...So do we pass the ghosts that haunt us later in our lives; they sit undramatically by the roadside like poor beggars, and we see them only from the corners of our eyes, if we see them at all. The idea that they have been waiting there for us rarely if ever crosses our minds. Yet they do wait, and when we have passed, they gather up their bundles of memory and fall in behind, treading in our footsteps and catching up, little by little.”--Stephen King

4-30-11 = Best Day of My Life
Bummer. I'll get back to keeping an eye out.
ReplyDeleteAlthough that is the way the State of Illinois pays (or, rather, doesn't pay) its bills. 3 months isn't an uncommon delay.
When staff travels, they have to pay for things themselves (hotels, meals, travel costs, etc.) and wait 3 months to be reimbursed.
i'm sure the government, state or federal, could get away with that but a mere common machine shop can not. because of his waiting 45 days to cut checks, then sitting on them for another month or so and even longer, they cannot get the parts/items they need to build the machines for the clients and therefore cannot ship to the clients and can't get paid. its a dirty cycle and wont be rectified. thier losing business and his father's good name is going to mud.
ReplyDeletenow, it wouldn't bother me at all the way he runs his business. i'll do what i'm told and i'm easily trainable to fit the company, however when i'm blamed for these actions that he has us do, that is a different matter all together. when i'm told its my fault when he's been running his business this way for sometime now and its slowly been going into the hole (you begin to run out of suppliers eventually and your clients will stop ordering from you and go to someone else).
on top of being blamed for someone else's errors over 2 years ago. and when trying to explain to him "this is 2008, the mistake your speaking of was done in 2006" and still being insisted on that i performed this mistake that isn't possible... no i'm pretty much at my witts end with these folks and i put in my resignation today.
i appreciate you keeping your ear out. i don't mean to go on and on, but i'm just a little pissy about him blaming me for all of these fucked up things in his company that i had nothing to do with. *sigh*
good night dear friend, see you in the morning!
Hang in there.
ReplyDeleteI understand the frustration of getting the blame for stuff one didn't do. But you've cut your ties with the place, so breathe, relax, look ahead.