he's so cute and sweet layin here asleep. lightly snoring...
sunday we signed our lease. marvelous right? everyone should be happy for us, right? i guess not. we came back to the house and waited for crystal to get home. i waited as long as possible til i had to leave for work. taranis told them when they got home that we're moving. i figured i'd talk to them when i got home from work. they were in bed. yesterday my baby came home early and we were busy and then when we got a minute she was busy. and then while they were eating we were cooking for us and i was on the phone with my AuntP about BioM (she wants me to drive down there and stay for a month or so while i'm unempoyeed....she doesn't comprehend that i have a job on the weekends and responsibilities i can't just shirk off) so we ended up in one of our usual arguments and it finalized with me hanging up on her... but that's besides the point. i get off the phone with my aunt. i head downstairs to grab the last load out of the dryer (crystal gave Taranis one of her extra laundry baskets and we've been using it cuz its bigger than my small one) and the 1st words out of her mouth to me are "I hope you don't plan on taking MY laundry basket" i said "you gave it to Taranis" she says "i only said he could use it" I was in the room with them when she said it, she said he could have it.
Well, Sunday when he told them about us moving out, now I owe her $100 for the futon that was a gift to me? Fast forward to lastnight again when she brought down my Dress that she borrowed for her nephews wedding she says "and you know that TV is not yours. just because its in this room doesn't mean its yours. the TV, the CD player" and I got the point i stopped listening. I didn't hear a word she said. I all I saw was red. A THIEF! a fucking thief. I am not a damn thief. So I told her to get out I wasn't speaking to her anymore. She sat there crying her crocodile tears to Taranis about how she couldn't understand why our friendship was going south, why it had a rift in it. That right there... Sayin your doing this out of the kindness of your heart, you buy a gift to someone... And then CHARGE them for it... yea i'd say that's bullshit.
She has nothing to say out of that hole that's her mouth about me but negative shit and I'm tired of it. She insisted that she just HAD to see my resume so I sent her a copy of it via email and she did nothing but run it into the ground. It wasn't a small "oh hey you forgot to do this" like KRM said about it, it was "your formatting is all wrong, it looks like shit. i'll just rework it and you use my version. you suck at this. this sucks. this is horrible. i expected better from you" and it goes on and on. just like with anything that i do its a constant nagging and not good enough and i'm fucking tired of it.
So from the very beginning, I was NEVER planning on or wanted to take any of the stuff she rattled on and on about that "was not mine I was just using it". The TV, the Dish Box, I never had it in my mind to take any of that stuff. The Computer desk, the dresser (if you could call it a dresser). I was just going to take my stuff (which is what i brought from arkansas) the bed she gave Taranis (that she claims now to have never given him) and my Futon (which I have to pay for, its broken now). and that's fine. I'm not taking anything with me that was NOT brought up from arkansas. and that I didn't pay for with my OWN money. that means (as much as I hate to leave it, being Packers gear) my GB Packers quilt stays here (she made it for me so i guess that means i was just using it altho thier bears fans) the pink throw i got for xmas as well, I'm sure that ment I was just borrowing it, its not mine. and you know, come to think of it. That's only 2 things out of the howmany that I was going to take with me that were gifts that were already taken back.
How could i have thought that I would be any different being a friend, her "sister" when she treats her nephews and niece worse than that. Making her father charge his grandkids high interest on a loan because they were let go from a job and needed some help. that just makes me sick when I hear her talking bout it.
on a more posititive note... I have temp work for the next 2 weeks. Its something and its close to here but being in Arlington Heights as of the weekend that makes it a little further but that will be ok! We'll be ok. Wont be long and we'll have a bed to sleep in, a couch to sit on and a tv to watch. Daddy's said that he thinks that my bed & couch in storage is probly no good anymore being in an outside storage facility with the changes of weather... hot/cold/freezing/rain... etc etc... guess we'll find out when we get there sometime next month probly or the month after.
i could careless about the furniture in there except my dining room set. that's the only non replaceable non walmart special item of furniture that i have in there and its more precious to me than most things in the world. it makes me ill thinking of it and the rocker my dad bought BioM when I was just a wiggle in her tummy being in that storage unit.
ok that's enough bitching for now... i need to get in the shower, take Taranis some lunch.
I am so happy. I am the happiest I've been in a long time. And damnit there has to be 1 person who has to rain my parade! she coulda said "so taranis said you guys are getting a condo? that's awesome! tell me about it" and be happy. oh no. she has to start her "thievery! your gonna steal my stuff. I have to waitch you like a hawk now" because she's being a stupid fucking asshole.
“...So do we pass the ghosts that haunt us later in our lives; they sit undramatically by the roadside like poor beggars, and we see them only from the corners of our eyes, if we see them at all. The idea that they have been waiting there for us rarely if ever crosses our minds. Yet they do wait, and when we have passed, they gather up their bundles of memory and fall in behind, treading in our footsteps and catching up, little by little.”--Stephen King

4-30-11 = Best Day of My Life
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