Tuesday, December 18, 2007

doc update

so i was all prepared to go and get poked and prodded and abused Monday. but! it didn't happen. She wanted to do an ultrasound first and since she was so pleased by it and the quick peak she did while they were inserting the internal wand (looks like a vibrator. i'll tellin you that is the weirdest feeling your doc inserting a dildo looking object into you. and they move it around and they are real gentle about it and the only thing going in my mind is that its just like getting fucked with a vibrator...)

so anyways. the verdict is this: i can go without being abused for now, no biopsies. BUT i can't get away with it in June which she said she MUST do a biopsy in June but otherwise everything is perfect looking, i'm healing just fine. no more scar tissue and no more cysts/tumor things in my uterus. *cheers* and she's really happy happy happy with the results of the medication that she put me on so we are continueing that.

then she dropped the bomb about babies. because I was kinda seeing Taranis when I went in for surgery and i'm always asking about my chance to have kids so she asked if me and Taranis was ready for babies and I told her not yet. Altho we are discussing it. She warned me to use a condom, she doesn't want us to get knocked up without being on 100% supervision like when Hephaestus and I was trying. That means pills and going in monthly for blood work, etc. She debated on going ahead and doing an ovulation test and stuff monday but decided that we'd just wait until Taranis and I are ready for kids.

I think one of the reasons why its so odd having her insert the wand into me is because she's always making comments on my Tattoo. She absolutely loves my bunny tattoo down there. Sometimes I feel like she's gonna flip a switch its gonna start vibrating and she's going to do bad (naughty in a good way) things to me. But that's just my imagination going overtime and my wanting a sexual relationship with a girl again. (which taranis says he is all for, btw...)

Still waiting on our gainshare bonuses from the Firm. We have these companies that we are working with on thier subdivisions and they are HUGE subdivisions and they are so horrible at paying. Once they pay us the money they owe us then we'll have our yearly bonus. Last year they got thier bonus' in like late spring i think it was ( i didn't qualify for one then, i do now i believe ). Not when it was suppose to happen re: at the beginning of the year.

I can't wait for my W2s either. I'm dying to go fill out my taxes and get some of that money back. I hope I get money back. Last year they said i was border line not getting anything... I guess we'll see. I hope i don't have to pay in. That would suck balls so badly.

ah well. hmmmm. ok that's enough TMI for now I guess. (sorry fellas--especially KRM--hope it wasn't too uncomfortable for you)


  1. It was posts like this that made just have to find out what sort of thing you would find necessary to have posted to a private/restricted site.

  2. well, you've seen what i wrote in the restricted site... if this is who i think it is... so, its well. sometimes i don't understand *why* i have a restricted site, but you know what i write about in there, so .... oh well. i hope i didn't embarass you too much...

  3. krm
    Yeah, that was me. I also seem to have a bit on the high side of the personall transparency scale (I am a bit too open about a lot of things that make others uncomfortable).

    I have seen the "private" site. I am a bit mistified about how you decide what goes where.

    Embarrassed? You can't embarrass lawyers.

  4. well, i never know *who* might be viewing this blasted thing, so somethings i kinda write about in private...

    like a situation that is going on right now. i fight every day not to blab it all in public. and sometimes i let out a little steam in the private journal because i don't know if *they* are going to read it if i put it in here. and all i need is a little way to vent steam. i can't vent to taranis because he sees it everyday what's going on...

    its all a bit insane to have a public and a private journal isn't it?? hmmm, i think i might transfer from private to public. or well somethings that are so far in the past that i wouldn't matter anymore. i wonder if i should make a note of it when i do make something public that use to be private.

  5. krm - It doesn't make me uncomfortable, but I sometimes find it amusing. Such frank openness is not all that common.

  6. i just remember someone, i can't remember who it was, maybe it was murray shouting "TMI TMI TMI coulda went for the PG version" in regards to something that i posted, so i've tried to not be so *harsh* when it comes to descriptives.


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