Sunday, September 16, 2007

Halloween Candy

ok, its time for you lurkers and secret admirer/haters to speak up

what is/was your most hated halloween candy you received as a child or that you can't stand to eat even now.

mine has always been candy corn and especially black licorice. i love cherry/red licorice but i can't stand the black licorice *cringe*

i decided to eat a box of whatever its called out of a grab bag that Taranis had bought the other day at walmart. not really looking i popped one of the candies in my mouth and low and behold it was one of the black licorice. he got a good laugh out of it and i about vomited on his bed.

so time to speak up mr and mrs lurkers out there in "Jenny Land", tell me what is your most hated candy. and if you have a "why" go ahead and explain. I don't know why I don't like the above candies i just have never liked them.

and yes if you don't want me to know who you are you can stay anonymous and not tell me.

1 comment:

  1. Black licorice is at or near the top of my hated candies (but I've always had friends - and now a spouse - who like it, so it has always been worthwhile as trade material). krm


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