Saturday, September 08, 2007

don't you hate messed up dreams?

don't know about yall but i don't like to dream weird stuff cuz then my waking brain is on over drive trying to figure it out.

in correct order (i dont think so anyways) of sequences of my dream(s?)

these are only the sequences i remember, i have a feeling that i dreamed more but can't remember

1st - (this is the first part i can remember) I'm with Hephaestus at his Aunt's house down in AR. (One of this aunt's house) and his cousin M is there and that's pretty much it. We were together but I don't know exactly what for. But we were being lovey on each other. Auntie made dinner, I broke out the camera to get some pics, she said she was sorry that they were the only ones who would speak to us after our reconsciliation, took one snap

and poof

2nd - i'm driving down this tunnel, its dark nightime. and in front of me taking the whole space up is a parade of sorts. i stop and pull over. thier Geisha's and thier doing a S&M parade. They have whips and handcuffs. one of the ladies put's a lei type thing around my neck and starts spanking me and trying to get me to do things with them. and i said "no i'd rather just watch thanks, i'm not into receiving but i have to learn to give it" (one of H's issues with me, I wasn't.....oh lets not get into that today). so I'm walking around this huge S&M/Sex depot....

and poof

3rd - i'm on an office chair and using it as a bike or car or what i don't know. its got a shelf on the bottom and its got some of my most precious books in it. there are all these houses and trailers lined up (kinda like down in Marseilles where Crystal's camp ground is) and i'm looking for someone(some people?) and I can't find them. I'm looking for Suga, Crystal, just everyone and I can only find strangers. Imagine bad cliche sorcery gimmicks in movies like "The Craft" and those people are everywhere. I'm getting scared, they know i'm not a "bad cliche" witch and that i'm a "non cliche do my own thing true witch witch" and i'm badly scared. So I start to go faster on my office chair. the road gets bumpier and i'm flying through the air towards a waterfall & lake. my books some of them land in the waterfall and i'm trying to fish them out. this guy approaches me says something like "that wasn't a good idea young miss", he has somthing hidden behind his back....

and poof

here i am with yall.


Yesterday was pretty much shit for me. I had a decent day at the Firm. Had a buncha folks try to run me over to and from with Alot of BS work, boring stuff. things really got interesting and hit the fan for me at the Spa.

I clock in everything seems to be running smooth and fine. Looks like its going to be a quiet night and for the most part it was. Normally it would have been a great night and I'd be so extremely happy about it, but not lastnight, oh no not lastnight

I arrive at my destination about 4:40pm. Just got off the phone with Jimmy Novack from 95WIIL Rock. Great day! I walk in, use the potty and discover I had an accident. And that if I don't keep my shirt pulled over my bum when i'm standing up, everyone will know I had an accident.

I make my initial rounds and clean and get setup for the night. Sit down start reading my book "4 Past Midnight" by Stephen King. This guy comes up to me, he wants to go swimming. He gets all signed in and then he gets all pissed off because the doors wont open. I asked him if he wouldn't mind going through the locker room entrance and I'll get the doors taken care of. Mind you when I got there the damn doors where fine, they openend and closed just fine. i go to get the keys from the manager thinking they got locked somehow. doesn't work. they wont open and nothing works. we have the keys nothing works. dude i said to use the lockroom shows up and he exits the pool from the inside where we are. We look at eachother (me and supervisor) and examine the doors again. well, one part of the hand was falling off... i wont describe everything. but nothing was like that when i clocked in. Maintenance shows up and makes alot of racket (it echos in there) for about 2 hours and he gets the door fixed tho.

ok so we're kosher again, for a while. these people show up and they want to bring thier dog in the pool area. i said no you can leave her on the patio area she is not allowed in the pool area. the patio doors are locked. well, its been storming so ofcourse thier locked. they want to keep her in the pool area until someone gets there with a key. they have 2 weddings going on at once i have security in 1 ear and clients in the other barking at me. i hung up on security looked at the lady and said you have to leave your dog outside ma'am. they will be here asap. there is an outside gate you can access the patio with, but you still wont beable to open the patio doors until they are unlocked. finally they show up with the key and get that mess sorted out.

all in all i handled it fairly well. and most everyone was pleased with all outcomes, results. i kept my cool and i kept smiling.

then i went to play the nightly dive in movie. (yes DIVE not DRIVE) and the sound wouldn't work. i couldn't figure it out i was starting to panic. finally called maintenance over and he fixed it. by then it was lunch time for me, which i went outside and smoked a cig. Taranis was on sneezy doing some quest thing so he couldn't leave and bring me food. and yes i understand maybe i should think ahead but when your working 2 jobs in one day and one of which you have no place to put food for 4 hours until your ready to eat it: yea you can't really take anything.

all in all that was my day. the bar/bowling had a rush about 10pm of people from a convention. they helped brighten my day to a point, they were really funny and we were joking around, but all in all from the time they finally went down to the bar and i clocked out to go home i'd been starving for about 6 hours and taking into consideration the minor but fucking fucked up things that happened, i was well on my way to punching a wall or someone's face if they happened to get in my way (anyone would have sufficed) by the time i pulled into the drive way.

thankfully Taranis had ordered a pizza and i grabbed myself a cold brewskie and things started to shape up for me. i started to feel human and not like a freakshow side carnival act.

here's to today being better and those convention people comming back cuz they were really funny and i want to enjoy them in a good mood.


Feeling: confused

Listening to: thoughts and questions about my dream(s) in my head

1 comment:

  1. It means don't eat toasted cheese before going to bed and clip the cats claws.

    You should also dump all your enron stock but that might be a case precognition being a little slow.


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