my supervisor hasn't pulled me into her office and talked to me since about 2 weeks after the old supervisor left and that's because we had a guest that bitched about everything nothing i could do would satisfy her and she complained about me. those are the only people who complain about me. otherwise i get rave reviews and i get told how wonderful and helpful and friendly i am from the guests.
i havn't called in sick in ages, except a few weeks ago and i didn't work at ANY place that week except monday. she said that i'll get retro pay. woohoo. just in time. i didn't think that i was gonna have enough money this week to cover myself. i do. and i think i might have enough money to buy some food. there are necessities that i must buy and while i'm at wally world i'll pick up a few things to eat as well. i need to make a list and stick with it.
other than that, kinda nervous about the whole review thing. my supervisor might decide i'm not even worth the hassle and fire me because i went over her head instead of waiting for her to get shit together.
and the next 2 weeks isn't going to cost me $100 in gas because Crystal will be back and we'll be carpooling again! *woohoo* only $50 bucks (about) for gas the next 2 weeks. *does a happy dancec*
Feeling: excited, nervous, happy, everything all at once.
Listening to: silence
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