no, not a loser but definatly a follower and not always a leader. why? because i went and created an aim account today after deleting the one i had years ago because i was tired of the multiple messengers. i quit using msn, aim & icq. i only used yahoo. well, yahoo & msn you can use on both now so i use the yahoo client and talk to my friends on msn. well, that was just fine and dandy until some of my pals on sneezy wanted to talk to me while we were in battle, but i dont have aim and that's what they have. so guess what i did.
yea, there are more of them than there is me so i created an aim account today. its just for messenger and i doubt i'll remember that i have it. i forget about yahoo most of the time as well as msn. lol.
for those who want them
aim & yahoo: geminitwinsfyre
msn/hotmail/windows messenger: ask me cuz i'm using this for my job applications.

still bored
Listening to: computer fans whirring
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