Wednesday, August 15, 2007

hmmm, well

i went to the dentist today. i have about 6 appointments ahead of me to get my mouth fixed. 1st one starting next week. should'nt be too painful with advanced technology and painkillers, lol.

the Brewers/Cardinals game is tomorrow. i'm excited. if it wasn't for TheFirm i'd never have this opportunity to go see a live professional baseball game. its great. i'm hoping that when they start raffling off the bears tickets this year i get lucky and get one of the bears/packers games, hopefully in lambaeu field. wootwoot, that'd be tight.

hmm, what else. nothing much. waiting for taranis to get home. which will be in about an hour and 1/2. its rainy and dreary outside. i'm gonna make grilled cheese sandwhiches for us. i'd like to make us some soup too. hmmm, maybe i'll see what kind he likes. i can run to the store if i got some money in the bank and pick up some.


Feeling: nothing

Listening to: crickets/cicadas outside

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