Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Fw: Horoscope Alert: Gemini

oh this so hits home in regards to a conversation i had lastnight regarding something going on tonight......

How will you know what you're capable of unless you give yourself a chance? One thing's certain: If you assume there's no way you can do it, you're setting yourself up for a fall. Assume you'll do a great job instead.


  1. Vague, generic, generialised, insightful sounding without meaning anything and applies to 1 in 12 people.

    Don't read horoscopes when there's chicken crap out there you could be interpreting.

  2. you are such a party pooper sometimes


  3. Murray is right here

    You could probably apply any of the 12 on any given day to any person with equality applicability, regardless of birthday.

    Horoscopes are malarky. And no where near as much fun as reading entrails.

  4. Depends whose entrails as well.

  5. The potential fun reading entrails population truely fits the definition of a target rich environment.

    Even selecting at random from the last few days congregations of smelly aging hippies and clueless ungrateful yoots at the widespread anti-American rallies would almost assuredly give a good result.

  6. Michael Moore would be like taking on War & Peace for example.

  7. Michael Moore's entrails would be more along the lines of one of those 30 volume "great books" collections, one of which would include "War And Peace".

  8. I honestly have no idea what you guys are talking about? Who is Michael Moore. It sounds familair but I'm so lost.

    glad to see you guys having fun tho!

  9. Oh the innocence of yoof.

    Untouched by MSM propaganda.

    We'd best have her breed before she got to.


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