Monday, February 19, 2007


i feel that everything is just fucking pointless.

why am i even here? why do i even try? for anything, anything at all.

i'm not that smart. i'm really not very pretty at all.

i hate myself in more ways than anyone could or would ever beable to imagine.


  1. Being much more than average smart or average pretty is greatly overrated in popular perception. The idea that one is not smart or pretty enough is generally something one uses as a excuse to wallow in being depressed or to avoid trying something on e is otherwise afraid of.

    In the absence of true imbecility or massive deformity, a person comfortable with him (or her) self forging ahead to do what they wish regardless of what others think more than makes up for a lack of great genuis or beauty (most of my genuis cohorts from school are fairly insignificant now and the pretty ones don't even have their looks any more - the mid pack group freqently outperformed their theoretical 'betters').


  2. I'm both fabulously attractive and a genius.

    This does not account for my living with two cats and having no money.

    Its almost like there's no natural justice or something.


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