This sort of thing is why one should never discount the chances of the US to succeed in anything - if the anal retentive pencil-pushers who generally run things will merely avoid screwing things up and simply let their people do the job with that innovative American spirit. We bested Japan in WW II largely because we figured out new ways to do things fast and well (like getting around our very limited ship building capacity in our coastal cities by preassembling large portions of the ship in modular fashion in the Midwest and shipping these large chunks to the coasts for assembly rather than having to fully construct them there from scratch - and thereby getting around the otherwise crippling effect on our Navy arising from the Pearl Harbor attack).
"The Snake Eater
Give our troops the tools our cops have.
Thursday, February 8, 2007 12:01 a.m. EST
Subject: A case study of how the U.S. got bogged down in Iraq.
Problem: If a cop in Anytown, USA, pulls over a suspect, he checks the person's ID remotely from the squad car. He's linked to databases filled with Who's Who in the world of crime, killing and mayhem. In Iraq, there is nothing like that. When our troops and the Iraqi army enter a town, village or street, what they know about the local bad guys is pretty much in their heads, at best.
Solution: Give our troops what our cops have. The Pentagon knows this. For reasons you can imagine, it hasn't happened.
This is a story of can-do in a no-can-do world, a story of how a Marine officer in Iraq, a small network-design company in California, a nonprofit troop-support group, a blogger and other undeterrable folk designed a handheld insurgent-identification device, built it, shipped it and deployed it in Anbar province. They did this in 30 days, from Dec. 15 to Jan. 15. Compared to standard operating procedure for Iraq, this is a nanosecond."
Now if we can just get to the point of getting everyone to understand the long term survival necessity of doing the job in this current World War.
Some people have to get over the fact that the US elected GWB twice and focus on the fact that a large and well funded foreign movement wants to institute upon the US a system where women wear Hefty bags after their clitorectomies, gays are summarily executed, and the general run of the mill infidels - these very people being the prime examples - are simply beheaded (and no, that movement is not the Southern Baptist Conference, the Missouri Synod of the Methodists or the Roman Catholic Church). These people have trouble understanding that anyone believes in their religion enough to actually try to implement it - other than the wretched Evangelical Taliban who do such inane things as insisting that parents, in a system where the school can not give a child an Aspirin without consent forms signed in triplicate, ought to be informed before the school counselor takes their teen aged daughter over to Planned Parenthood for an abortion or that Planned Parenthood ought to have to cooperate with authorities in prosecuting the adult males who have impregnated substantially underage girls. It is doubly ironic that these same people are generally highly activist themselves, yet fail to recognize that their activism comes, not simply from greater enlightenment than the inbred, mouth breathing, Bible-thumpers of Jesusland, but rather arises out of their own religious convictions (secular humanism or scientific rationalism or whatever one wishes to call it being every bit as much a faith based belief system as any deity or spiritually oriented religion). and these people are acting upon their religious beliefs in precisely the same manner as they excoriate Christians for doing. It seems to me that, in a worldview where there are not supposed to be any moral absolutes and everyone is free to determine their own moral compass points, the only real "sin: left is hypocrisy; and it is highly ironic that these people can't even see that hey have made rank hypocrisy their very own way of life.
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