Thursday, February 08, 2007

hmm, I thought the suburbs were suppose to be safe?!

and so CR is going to have a security system installed for thier parking lot. I went down lastnight to chat with my friends & grab dinner after work and guess what I found out? My tire slashings are not the only mishaps. Last weekend my Navy friend's truck was broke into and his system along with other stuff was stolen outa his truck.

Murray found this article that's about 2 girls gettin thrown out of a club for kissing on the dance floor. So, I sent the article to Tom of the Tom & Lisa Morning Show at 95WIILrock my fave radio station up here. So, Tom calls me on my cell and we're talking on air about thier Kissing contest they have for Valentines Day. I said I'd do it, if Lisa would be in it with me... She refused. Broke my heart! Just kiddin. Anyways, they have the best morning show in the area and you all should listen to it sometime, they have a live web broadcast. So what are you waiting for?!

Anyways, the really awesome thing about being on the air with them this morning is they have this 501 club where they go to the bar and kick off the weekend. Since me and a few girls of mine do kiss each other (after a few beers, I do get nervous with women still) at CR Tom & Duco (thier stunt jockie) said they'd have to have a 501 club at CR! WOOT. If they do that, I am SO taking off work to be there.

Its officially 1 more week and I'll be at Austin's Saloon watching Crossfade & Saliva. I can't wait I am so excited.

Have fun, I gotta get back to work now.

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