Sunday, February 25, 2007

Charlie Daniels: An Open Letter to Reid and Pelosi

Charlie Daniels: An Open Letter to Reid and Pelosi: "The following is from a man The Bull truly admires. (Something that id rare when it comes to entertainers.) Charlie Daniels. He posted the following open letter on his forum on Friday. Sometimes I wonder that if Charlie were to be cut if he would bleed red, white, and blue.

Charlie, you are a true American. I am a life-long fan and have admired you since I met you many years ago in Greenville, SC.

Bull, out.

Posted: Fri Feb 16th, 2007 06:40 pm

An Open Letter to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi

Dear Sir and Madam,
You have said often enough that you don’t believe in the war in Iraq and that you want to bring the troops home. Yet all you do is talk and sign non-binding resolutions which only goes to show that you really don’t mean what you say about ending the war or that you’re just playing political games and in doing so giving aid and comfort to a dedicated enemy.

Now if you’re serious about ending the war you have the means and the votes to do just that. Simply cut off the funding for the troops, bring them all home and the American people can transfer the deed to this war and the ramifications of what you do to the Democrat party and you can live with the results.

You say you support the troops, but that has to be a lie. If you supported them and you truly think the war is wrong, you’d bring them home or either dispense with the poisonous rhetoric and get in behind them and help them get the job done.

You can’t have it both ways. If you support the troops do something. Your party won a majority in both houses, so you have control so take the responsibility."

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