Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My Most Favorite Drummer evah!

So, I get a txt msg today from none other than my drummer buddy outa Memphis. He's in town! He's an over the road trucker and his route took him right next to me, literally! So, me and him went out and ate dinner, had a blast. It was SO great. I loves my Teej. He's so awesome. And hearing him telling his drinking stories in person is just an experience everyone should have. He's gonna try and arrainge to come up sometime on the weekends and we're gonna go to some concerts. I'll have to have advanced notice so I can take off at the spa, but hell yea!

Well, I'm absolutely exhausted! And had a great night.

Other than that, not alot going on. I got my truck stuck sunday night in the parking lot of Taco Bell and one of the workers had to help me get it out. Been talking to him now since then, we exchanged phone numbers. I told him I wanted to buy him a beer for helping me out.

Catchya laters!

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