Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Less than $20!!!!

My car has about a 14 gallon tank, I believe. I just put in roughly 10 and it was less than 20 bucks! fuck yea. $1.95 baby! and expected to drop more.

I have now aquired 2 of 4 w2s to file my tax return. Woot Woot! I have big plans for this $$$ that i expect to get back, however I doubt I will have enough for all these plans. But I definatly want to get my comedy/trajedy tattoo done on my back. As well as the concert for crossfade/saliva and a few others i'm sure since thier cheap enough in the burbs.

Its a shame Jack can't go with me since she's under 21 and thier all 21 and over shows at Austen's. I miss my baby Jack! I'm gonna cry.

So, lost total train of thought. Thanks, Murray! Now i need to get some sleep.

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