Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Just when you think shits getting better.....

Well, I'm a week late on my period. Took my pregnancy test like I was suppose to, and its negative. Ok, so I call the Drs office and the nurse tells me to wait til the 3rd of January and if I dont start by then, to call them back. Well, here's the delima: most of you know that Hephaestus's insurance isn't Aetna anymore. It got changed to this crappy Healthlink insurance. I tried to explain to the woman that I can't come back anymore because they dont cover what I've been seeing McClanahan for! Stupid bitty tells me that because I'm an existing customer they'd work around that...I can't afford the treatments! Fucking bullshit and more bullshit. So, I have a Drs appt tomorrow and I'm going to go talk to him myself and get released to go back to work. Since I'm not going to be on the Chlomid anymore, thier is no reason for me to be on medical leave anymore. I'll take my chances and I'm putting it all in the hands of the powers that be.

so, thier is my shitty life in a nutshell. I actually have 3 interviews. 2 on friday and 1 on tuesday. Atleast that is looking up. Altho I doubt I'll be hired soon enough to deal with any of the current issues. But atleast it'll be helpful in the longrun.

Well, my boys need me so I'm gonna git.

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