Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Working through the pain

Thank the gods for cell phones!

My dad called this morning. Thier taking my Aunt home for hospice. She'll have an oxygen machine on her, just something to help her get better oxygen intake. Its not a breathing machine. She'll have all 'life support' items removed and put soley on just morphine and oxygen to keep her comfortable. The Drs are giving her just a day or less. I have a feeling once she gets home, she'll finally pass on. She didn't want to die in the Hospital like Grandma (her mom) did. She wanted to go with as much family around as possible and in a loving and caring environment.

Other than that. I've tried to spread the word as best as I could to get to Hephaestus about Mysterie. Its up to him now to contact me. He needs to set aside whatever bitterness/hardfeelings he has for her. Even tho she's passed on, I know it hurts her and hurt her that we split up. I could tell it when I looked in her eyes. I told her before she died "You Mommy & Daddy love you very much" and she had a gleam, a sparkle, something that looked like she had tears, crying.

I miss my little girl so much.


Feeling: Sadness

Listening to: Phones Ringing and Keyboards typing


  1. Actually Hephaestus (which I despise that name for him by the way) was profoundly upset by Mysteries passing. You should know that his bitterness was never toward her... that his love was abundant for her... and he did what he did to keep her from suffering without Drakus. He's worked through the feelings he had for you and has moved on but he always missed Mysterie and Drakus.

    He would like it if you sent his things to his mother's house (he believes you have her address). He wont call because he feels there is nothing left to say to you and he feels you are responsible for what happened to Mysterie.

    You should be happy for him... he's about to get married and is very happy. He wishes you as much happiness...

  2. #1, who are you?

    #2, I never said his bitterness was towards her, I said he needs to set aside his bitterness FOR her, because of her. Not that it was towards her.

    #3, I am not the reason she died. I did everything I could to keep her alive. There was nothing I could do, it was out of my hands. Just like there was nothing he and I could do when it came to Spike & Maige.

    He needs to call me or email me, because I DONT know his mother's address.

    And quite frankly I dont care if you do despise that name Hephaestus for him. He's my ex husband I'll call him whatever I please in my journal.

    Good for him he's getting married. I just hope that he doesn't do to her what he did to me.

    If he wants his stuff and the gift that I know that Mysterie would want him to have, he needs to call me, email me. Something.



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