Monday, August 14, 2006

My blonde moment

Crystal Dreams: "But I really do have to share this wonderful Blaez moment I had yesterday. You know she's my adopted sister (we adopted each other), but this was a moment I said proved we didn't share blood... LOL I was sitting in the living room yesterday morning, enjoying a bit of quiet time (so rare) before we headed out to the flea market (and conveniently, the metaphysical shop right down the street), Blaez walked in, in her bathrobe, looking rather frustrated, and holds out her new solid antiperspirant and asked 'Can you get this dang plastic safety liner off?' She had the cap off, but when you buy a new one they have that clear plastic security cap in place. She apparently had been pulling on it and couldn't get it open. I just looked at her, took it from her hand and said, 'Just turn it up a crank or two and it'll come right off...' Obviously it came right off. She just lost it. She'd never thought of that and said she'd previously tried everything from scissors and prying at it with a screw driver... Ugh... And I'm the blonde. She was so amazed! I love ya Blaez!!!"

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