Lastnight was terrible. I sang great, and everyone said I should have made the Finals, but I didn't. Some girl that was screaming instead of singing got in. As well as DiscoQueen with her drunk girlfriends dancing and this one guy that truly was a great singer. He was both dissapointed and heart broken I didn't get in with him.
I barely got to see MG. I got to see him more than what I thought I would have. But we both were busy going our own ways socializing with other people. At the end of the night, he left with other people and I never really got the chance to say G'bye. We did steal a few g'nite kisses at the end of the bar before he left. That was cool. I pretty much left right behind him. I was bored out of my mind and so tired.
All in all. It was fun I guess. Even tho I didn't get into the finals. I was surprised I even got into the Semi-Finals. KaraokeGuy said they'll have another contest in a month. Diff rules and stuff to change it up. So we'll see.
Oh, MG said that the reason why he hadn't been gettin back in touch with me after Sunday is his phones been messing up. I think I beleive that like I need a hole in my head. *rolls eyes*... Even tho I did invite him to the BBQ we're having Monday at the house... I don't know. I like him ALOT. Someone, I'm not gonna say who. Told me I could do better. They know MG pretty well. Everyone else is rootin for us to hookup. So I dont know. Its all so confusing. He doesn't seem to be the type of guy that I need in my life. So we'll see.
Altho he did hug and love on me and tell me how great I was, even tho I didn't make the finals. That was really sweet of him.
Been talking to AW more. We talked lastnight. Bad deal here: he lives over an hour away. Yikes that sucks. Ugh. Damn.
Got hit on alot lastnight at Shadow. I wore my spaghetti strap top with my new Camo skirt I bought. I looked good. Everyone's eyes on me said the same I guess, or they were laughing at me behind my back, I dont know. But I do know I was asked for my # alot lastnight. So either A-I looked slutty or B-I dont know lol.
I have an addiction confession: we all know I'm addicted to Chocolate. Yeap. Even coffee is getin to be an addiction. HOWEVER, Subway Tuna Sandwhiches on Wheat with extra tuna, lots of pickles, mayo, lettuce, tomatoe, onion, salt & pepper is highly addictive. Grin. Thats what I'm eating for lunch.
This stupid bitch almost ran us over this morning. Thier is road right before the entrance to our parking lot at work. Crystal turns on her turn signal in the middle of passing by that road, some chic is in her van, not even paying attention, she's scrounging around in her van. I see this because I stare at people. I know, I'm lame. Anyways, we're going past her, I hear the first 'click click' of the turn signal and then I see the bitch put the pedal to the metal and almost hits us on the passenger side. MY SIDE. ...I can't imagine what would have happened if Crystal's reflexes hadn't been good and she would have side swiped us. I would have killed that bitch. She ended up clipping our passenger rear bumper. It was so all her fault, we had the right away. She should NOT have been turning. She was trying to say that Crystal had on her turn signal BEFORE we passed her. Wrong. Crystal didn't turn it on until we were almost right on her. She was in the Middle of the Road she was on with not even a turn signal on going to go Left. We were headed to her right.
Anyways, point is. I thought I was gonna flip out. I felt like my life was going to stop at that moment, something terrible was going to happen. I see her pulling out and I see her crashing into us, I hear me screaming "you stupid bitch what the fuck are you thinking?" and then we're stopped, Crystal is getting out of the truck. Thier was no accident. Crystal swearved just in time. If thier was another vehicle comming towards us, thier is no way we could have avoided an accident today.
“...So do we pass the ghosts that haunt us later in our lives; they sit undramatically by the roadside like poor beggars, and we see them only from the corners of our eyes, if we see them at all. The idea that they have been waiting there for us rarely if ever crosses our minds. Yet they do wait, and when we have passed, they gather up their bundles of memory and fall in behind, treading in our footsteps and catching up, little by little.”--Stephen King

4-30-11 = Best Day of My Life
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