Sunday, July 23, 2006

Settling In

I made it. Arrived at 5:30 am Saturday morning. Its been really great to be back.

On the way in, we hit some storms that were pretty bad. Didn't last long since it was heading opposite of the way we were.

Lastnight we went to the V. I think I might have had a little too much to drink. But it was all good. we unexpectantly ran into the TheClown. She's one of my Karaoke buddies. It was awesome. Shots of Jack with Rum N Coke went down so easy and smooth lastnight I wasn't feeling anything.

This morning Crystal knocked on my door and asked how my head was. I had to think back to remember if I had hit it or something. But no, just wondering if I had a hangover or not. NOPE, no hangover for me.

My babies are setting in real nicely. Almost done unpacking stuff. We went and got me a Futon today to use as a bed/seating. Its really nice. I wasn't so sure about the black with my babies, so we got this dark steal grey sheet set, and against the black piping of the frame it looks really neat. I love it.

You know, I have found a great reason to keep men around...Only they could put cheap wal-mart shit together. Never ever ever could I have put that damn futon together, but Crystal's husband got it done.

Went to the V to watch a little bit of the race. It was a good day today.

Other than that, not alot going on. Settling in and gettin shit done.

I miss yall.

OH! yea... Its not nearly as hot up here as it was in Arkansas. WooHoo!


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun going on in your life. Email me and we can talk about it.

  2. lol cheap walmart sh*t - see? you can't live without us!!!! was nice hearing from you :-)


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