Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Nothing too exciting

Just sittin here tryin to wake up. thought I'd write so everyone knows I'm alive and well.

I feel like I'm missing so many events in my life. Those of you who's blogs I read, I can't really read em right now (limited internet time) and I feel like I'm missing out on SO much!

OH--Something exciting did happen. Remember me talking about Crystal's nephew who's finance was pregnant? And how they already knew it had a heart defect, etc. well, she went into premature labor on Saturday. Had a healthy (minus the heart defect and premie status) baby Boy. Yesterday he was taken into Open Heart sugery. Everything is going SO well for this little tyke he should be on in a week. Is that not fuckin awesome or what? He's gonna be a fighter. He will have to have more surgeries on his heart as he gets older/bigger because of growth. But right now the 1st is over and he's doing great.

I'm all unpacked now. Finished up yesterday. Now I just have to arrainge everything how I like it.

Crystal and I are gonna start walking in the evenings when she gets home from work. I can't wait to have a walking partner. Its so boring by yourself.

TheClown is gonna take me in as an apprentice and teach me how to be a clown. which is awesome. You can get over $100 an hour and make tons of money that way. Woot. Here I come for weekend fun!

Gotta get busy. Have fun. Don't miss me too much.

PS. Thier is an antique car show this thursday. Can you guess where I'm gonna be at?

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