Saturday, June 18, 2005

The past week has been really hard.

My birthday thursday was uneventful.

I got a job at walmart in cville. working night shift. i'll proby end up floating around to diff positions since i have experience diong pretty much everything.

Hephaestus and I have had our moments. both good and bad. we did something tonight that we problably shouldn't have.

i wanna go lay down with him. and sleep next to him. he's right, i'm sure, when he says i shouldn't.

i still want him back, ofcourse. i don't believe i will ever get over him, i really dont.

guess only time will tell.


Feeling: Numb

Listening to: silence


  1. Oh hunny, take care of yourself. I know it's hard.

    Congrats on the job, it will be good for you to stay busy.

  2. Hey Jen,

    Hurry up and IM me! I'm MennoJoshua on AIM or joshuaerodd on Yahoo. Sorry things aren't going well for you right now. :(



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